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Nexland Pro 400 Internet Security Box / Router

Article Date: 17th August 2002
Written By: Michael "Hughesey" Hughes
Product: Nexland Pro 400 Internet Security Box / Router
Rating: 95%
Manufacturer: Nexland
Supplier: Nexland


Overall, this unit was a pleasure to use. It provided all the connectivity and security, plus more, of a dedicated gateway PC, as well as taking up less space, power, and making less noise than a dedicated gateway PC.

For PC novices looking to share a network connection without messing around with software solutions, this unit is definately one to consider.

For PC enthusiasts looking for a highly configurable internet sharing solution which takes up less power/space and creates less noise than a dedicated gateway PC, this unit is defiately worth looking at.

In a nutshell:
"This unit provides the ease of use and security needed by PC novices as well as an astounding feature set which will quench the hunger of even the king of all PC Enthusiasts."


  • Ease of use
  • Stylish Looks
  • Lightweight
  • Quiet
  • Many Advanced Features
  • Built in NAPT Firewall
  • Backup Analogue Connection Support


  • Expensive
  • Not available locally

    Overall Rating – 95%

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