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LIUtilities WinBackup

Review Date: 23rd July 2003
Reviewed By: Michael "Hughesey" Hughes
Product: LIUtilities WinBackup
Rating: 90%
Manufacturer: LIUtilities
Supplier: LIUtilities

Restoring a Backup


Restoring a previous backup is also an easy task. Simply switch to "Restore" mode, then in the box marked "Restore From File", choose the backup file you wish to open. In this case, I made a simple test backup of a folder "C:\NVIDIA" on the testbed, which contained the latest detonator drivers from nVidia. I then proceeded to go into windows explorer, and manually delete this folder.

We now choose which files/folders we want to restore by clicking the check boxes next to the specific file/folder. The ability to only restore parts of an entire backup is very welcome, as it allows for speedy recovery of one certain file/folder in the event you accidentally delete/overwrite it, without having to restore the whole backup.

The final setting we need to worry about is choosing which type of files to restore. We access this setting by clicking the "Restore Settings" button at the lower right hand side of the program. You can choose to overwrite all files on the hard drive with ones from the backup, or only replace older files, hence saving precious time.

Once this is chose, simply click the "Restore Files" button, and the program will begin restoring your files to their backed up state.

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